Get Inspired - Female Founders Event by Makou

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November 23, 2022



This Event is designed to bring women in Startups together. We want to provide the opportunity to get inspired and inspire others. For this purpose we have invited four inspiring women from the Startup world to talk about xxx. Lets network , learn from each and empower each other.

During the event there will be taken a few photos/videos. By participating you agree that we may use the photo/video footage taken at the event on our social media channels and/or website. If you find a photo of yourself on our channels that you would rather not have online, please contact us at



Isabelle Siegrist
Founder and CEO of Sandborn / Forbes 30 under 30

Isabelle Siegrist has been helping to build up companies across Switzerland since 2014, first for 2 years at as CIO and then with her own company builder Sandborn. She supports entrepreneurs and corporates from various industries in hatching their ideas and brining them to market, builds companies of her own and invests in Startups. She was recognized as one of the TOP 100 Businesswomen in Switzerland 2018, 2019 and 2020 and is a Forbes 30 under 30 Alumna (2019), studied Business Innovation at HSG and majored in Social Entrepreneurship at ESCP Europe. She regularly teaches at various colleges and universities on entrepreneurship topics.

Marie Henze
Founder and CEO of Mary and Plants

Marie Henze, Founder and Ceo of Mary and Plants. 

Her passion has always been nature and the need to bring people closer to contact with nature, especially in cities and urban areas. With Mary and Plants, the landscape architect has already founded her second startup. Together with her co-founder Ivan, she is pursuing the goal of not only offering products, but also educating people about the needs of living creatures: Thanks to the MaryCare app and individual advice, her customers are supported in their care and can enjoy the growth of their plants for a long time.



Hardturmstrasse 181, Zürich
8005 Zürich



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  • After the first publication, it can take up to 30 minutes until the page is live.
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